Archive for the 9 Bouquet Category

Lenormand draws: ID this person and time his arrival

Posted in 1 Rider, 10 Scythe, 12 Birds, 13 Child, 14 Fox, 16 Star, 18 Dog, 19 Tower, 20 Garden, 23 Mice, 24 Heart, 25 Ring, 28 Man, 32 Moon, 4 House, 8 Coffin, 9 Bouquet, Lenormand Cards, Lenormand Oracle cards Case Studies Materials, No Layout Spread- Lenormand with tags , , , , , on June 17, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist

For all you Lenormand enthusiasts who have been reading the blogs, here is an interesting and curious draw of cards done to identify the physical attributes and characteristics of as yet an unknown person, or at least thats what the question states. As you all know- I am an avid Lenormand card reader and have enjoyed the pleasure of being a student of Sylvie Steinbach technique of the no layout. She defines well in her book how to ID a person of as yet unknown when you approach the question with a blank canvas. She also recommends double checking in the same verin of the line of questioning.

So here’s the question: How do I ID the man who I will settle down with? (basically this question asks for physical description, characteristics and useful info for you to spot him when he enters your life). Here is answer number 1: the 28 man charged for ID purpose and therefore a blank canvas- now we fill in the colours of his personality and draw him out.

’12 Birds + 10 Scythe + 19 Tower+ 28 Man + 8 Coffin + 18 Dog + 32 Moon’

This second draw- is to double check the first draw because I had my concerns naturally with the nature of the cards. So I reasked the cards with the same blank canvas, and the spread below is the second answer.

’14 Fox + 16 Stars + 4 House + 28 Man + 1 Rider + 9 Bouquet + 25 Ring’

What I would like for when you answer, in the above 2 drawsof which you are going to create the description of this man, tell me what makes this to draw related? or if you think the two draws are not related, tell me why also. Basically- are they decsriptions for the same person or are they talking about 2 different people?  I will post my interpretations of this draw after a few interpretations have been thrown in the mix as I do not wish to cloud your judgement. I have specific reasons why I felt the need to double check the draw.

Now, with regards of timing- I asked the Lenormand, when can I anticipate the arrival of the gentleman we have ID’ed as above. Note, here, a random 5 card draw is done with no key cards charged. Obviously there are clues in the draw to make it relevant to the reading for the purpose of timing. Here is her answer:

’23 Mouse + 20 Garden + 16 Stars + 24 Heart + 13 Child’

Within this draw, there is a proposed timing, I would like it if you could gestimate from the cards what is the most likely time frame within which the person you ID’ed will show up. In my mind, when th ecards were drawn, the time frame is within 1 year and no more. But this maybe more than an overshot as the draw suggests differently.

Happy posting of your analysis chaps, I look forward to all of your insights and intuition as it will be an interesting process to which your inner intution will lead you to the most logical answer.And I am hoping to learn more with this draw too.


Lenormand draw– Tell me 2 sides of a story and see if they meet.

Posted in 10 Scythe, 12 Birds, 13 Child, 18 Dog, 19 Tower, 24 Heart, 26 Book, 28 Man, 29 Woman, 31 Sun, 33 Key, 4 House, 6 Clouds, 8 Coffin, 9 Bouquet, Lenormand Cards with tags , on June 8, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist

Here I have with me  2 fascinating draws which tella story. The story in itself cannot be more accurately represented than how the cards were drawn. The draw by the way- was done by a fellow Lenormand enthusiast who thought it quite apt I post it here. Please bear in mind– 2 people can feel so differently in a relationship. As Sylvie would say– it is not what you think- it is what THEY (sitter) thinks/ feels!!!

OK- we have a lady– who is not so sure about her love life– . But- she wants to know–

1. Where is her love life at the moment- basically she wants to know whats going onbecause she doesnt know anymore ( sometimes, don’t we all?) herself, the English say- Am I coming or going?.

The draw is as follows- note- all cards should be read in a continuous line- only one card charged 29 Woman-

‘6 Clouds+18 Dog+ 29 Woman+8 Coffin+ 12 Birds + 28 Man + 4 House + 31 Sun + 13 Child’

I present to you the draw as  given to me. Personally- I would ignore the last 2 cards in the draw because it doesnt add any more info.

So what have we here- friendly woman with a friendship confusion ( clouds+dog)- since we asked about love life- Immediately we see a matter- there has been or there is someone 🙂 she is not sure where she’s at with this guy. Next – the coffin indicates some stagnation or a slow phase in the relationship or perhaps within the couple communicating– Summary– confusion within relationship, probably due to lack of communication. But what have we here- The man- heart + house- hmm- who is this guy- how does he tie in- is he the dog person?— because now we uncovered there is a known entity ( Dog) nothing seems to be happening with this person- another man is in the horizon- with his heart in hand- probably somewhere she lives (her home)- he is all about the masculine (warm and friendly to) and wants to start something with her (child). Aww!! Also- sneaky suspicion- all taking place in summer (July, august, Sept)

Now- Lady after hearing what was said– admits something– she isnt sure how someone feels about her- They are not quite at couple stage but are sort of (she wants him to say we are a couple now!!)- you either are or you are not right???  So she admits– yes there is someone back home she wants some clarity on- bingo!!! the dog and the man are 2 of the same person!!! the dog represents the nature of the relationship- not quite romantic (in Lady’s view)- but something more enduring– a partnership (this is my view)!!!

So- now we go to layer 2- whats happening with the man back at home? 28 man and 29 woman charged

’12 Birds + 9 Bouquet+ 28 Man + 6 Clouds + 26 Book + 10 Scythe 18 Dog + 19 Tower + 29 Woman’

What is this– bird + bouquet- happy relationship or blissfully happy couple- hmm– it does appear our boy is convinced he in a relationship- ( but our lady doesnt seem to know that for sure tho). But to his right- clouds + books+ scythe– yeuchh– stress/anxiety with studies — and him making a fateful decision (scythe+ key). Dog + tower + woman- i would ignore these cards- because they dont add any valuable info apart from saying– yes- they know each other, our lady is in her ivory tower and feeling lonely. I would have stopped at the Key- because thats the best card- 🙂

Why– despite the clouds casting a mist over the man, he seems to be focused (book) and surely knows what he wants and makes precise decisions ( scythe) which seems to be in favour of our lady (the key is positive- in fact so positive it is waaay positive- any doubts she has about the guy– she needs to cast aside- sometimes our own insecurities and need for constant reassurance will be the downfall)!!

But notice the overlap of cards– the key corresponds to the heart in the first draw- which is a nice coincidence- they will be starting something together despite the ambivalence. sometimes, a little mystery spices the life up,, no?

She wants to know are they an item or not- therefore transalates into the confusion within the friendship. He however- already sees it as tho he is in couply relationship with her- but why hasnt he said anything?? There is some stress around, maybe to do with some unexpected issues–but he makes a decision with regards of this relationship– perhaps actually making it more concrete and obvious for our lady. We all need /want some confirmation- is suspect- and she will get it.

I like readings like this- they seem like nice people who really like each other- just havent quite gotten their act togther yet- there is something innocent and enduring about this realtionship- i hope it works out well for them despite the ups and downs..


tell me your interps, any other missed info– add please–




Lenormand Multilevel Reading- Is it going to happen?

Posted in 2 Clover, 20 Garden, 22 Crossroad, 24 Heart, 25 Ring, 26 Book, 28 Man, 29 Woman, 30 Lily, 35 Anchor, 36 Cross, 9 Bouquet, Lenormand Cards, Multi level card analysis with tags , , , , on June 3, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist

I have missed the Lenormand. Unlike any odd tool– its the operant who gets rusty not the tool if not used freqeuntly. I find that I get a sense of flow when I manipulate it often. I casually looked into the possibility of a dear friend of mine  getting married, or perhaps just proposed to would be nice. I think the feeling of restlessness is getting to her..

Q: Will ‘Girlfriend’ get married soon?

3 cards charged- 28 Man, 29 woman and 25 Ring..



‘…30 Lily + 28 Man + 36 Cross + 24 Heart + 29 Woman + 26 Book + 2 Clover..’


‘…35 Anchor + 22 Crossroad + 25 Ring + 20 Garden + 9 Bouquet..’

One thing I can safely say– the draw reflects the circumstance quite aptly. First line- I do see her current partner being content and quite relaxed with the way the relationship is at present (Lily). The Cross describes the future aggro and state of civil unrest (LOL!) and possible being miserable probably due to work requirements or more lIkely, my friend giving him grief (not entirely impossible). Despite all that– he still loves her, as she is the girl in his heart (heart + woman). What friend doesnt know– there are some unknown forces in action (book) a suprise turn of events  in the offing (book+Clover). She is an intelligent woman (Woman+Book)– perhaps it is an opportunity she will grab as soon as she sees it.  No- I dont think it is another man. I can look back on the draw- makes sense to- friend feeling heart ache at boy’s subjective state of contentment with the relationship status being the way it is..

next line- the ring line for marriage- a bit incongrous actually.

Crossroad +rIng- options for settling down or being comfortable with current lifelstyle of being free to go anywhere. Anchor- implies the situation at the moment of non comittal ie- just remaining BF-GF with nothing official like engagement is the current state (we know this). Anchor+crossroad- remaining in the current status for a while.

Whats the possible future-Ring + Garden + Bouquet-  large reunion and an event that is going to be bliss..Ooh– I hope I am not imagining this- but could it be- the possible suprise turn of events (Book+cLover) be about  a possible large reunion where she is going to get a very warm suprise- the granting of her wish?? A proposal before the end of the year?

So many cards pointing to possibility despite outward appearances of the boy.. patience is needed– 🙂 I’ll await this large reunion– which Is going to happen soon,.. then I’ll know– at least I have said it here.. proof of my vision–





Daily Draw- 29 Woman + 13 Child + 3 Ship Extra 10 Scythe

Posted in 10 Scythe, 13 Child, 29 Woman, 3 Ship, 9 Bouquet, Daily Draw for Reflective Practise, Lenormand Cards on April 30, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist

Back to my daily draws with The Lenormand- I just asked for something good- anything good the cards wish for me to know 🙂


’29 Woman + 13 Child + 3 Ship Extra 10 Scythe , Clarifier 9 Bouquet’

I drew a 5th card to clarify further the Scythe card.

So-29 woman- represents a woman. 13 Child- a young person, a child or defining the young nature of someone. 3 Ship is about movement, progression and travel- overseas. 13 Scythe- decisions, clean break or cut– and the lovely 9 Bouquet- beautiful gift/ warm loving thoughts-

Lets see– woman+child- gives the impression of either a woman with child or a childish woman, small woman- nothing wrong with being a little immature- quite endearing sometimes.

child+ship- a small journey, trip, maybe a new beginning–

ship+scythe- tricky– a travel decision- or break away- or as i see it- a break from routine- so a sudden trip/interrupted??

scythe+bouquet- hair dressers, cosmetic surgery/ beautician- (something aesthetic really)

maybe in a moment of childishness, i take a short trip to the the hairdressers or the beautician- get a haircut or a cosmetics/facial done– ?? lol!! quite possible- cheer me right up it will–

Peak into Sylvie’s bible– woman+child-immature, capricious,petite woman–

                                        child+ship-small trip

                                         ship+scythe-yikes- interrupted vacation/accident

                                        scythe+bouquet-positive outcome/smart decision

hmm– this has got me concerned– due to leave for a short holiday next week– the vacation getting interrupted is not ideal– but somehow it is meant to be a good thing–

Ahh well– extra precautions then–





Case study- Multilevel reading 3/4/2008

Posted in 11 Whip, 15 Bear, 17 Stork, 20 Garden, 22 Crossroad, 24 Heart, 25 Ring, 27 Letters, 28 Man, 29 Woman, 32 Moon, 34 Fish, 8 Coffin, 9 Bouquet, Client reading, Lenormand Oracle cards Case Studies Materials, Multi level card analysis with tags , on April 4, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist

I thought it would be of interest posting this investigative process- I charged the man, woman and ring card to look into state of a relationship between these two individuals-

Female querant age 29 wants to see if her relationship has a future. They have been seeing each other for 18 months–cards charge 28 Man, 29 Woman and 25 Ring: As luck would have it – the first card I drew was the 28 Man card–


  …. 8322.jpg8341.jpg825.jpg811.jpg835.jpg…..


Interesting draw- since the Man turned up first-I flashed on the 24 Heart because I wanted to check on the nature of the relationship as something wasn’t just quite right with the Ring cards ..

28 Man + 27 Letter + 31 Sun + 15 Bear + 29 Woman  + 29 Bouquet..’

‘..32 Moon + 34 Fish + 25 Ring + 11 Whip + 35 Anchor..’

‘..22 Crossroad + 8 Coffin + 24 Heart + 20 Garden + 17 Storks..’

The Man himself is quite communicative, he writes a lot possibly emails her (letters).. He is also virile, ego driven- macho breed (Sun)- combined with the bear- also a very masculine card- the two together speaks of a dominating personality- over protective and maybe the jealous type as well– Our female querant has also a strong character (independent and powerful- Bear) we can see why he  wants to keep a hold on her- she is very alluring and exotic looking- Beautiful face- hair- fertile (Flowers).

The ring spread- Fish- gives like a contract feel- an understanding between them- that their independence is important. The whip makes this relationship dominated with sexual passion and erotic. Moon confirms the romantic attraction between them- and also the romance has an erotic quality to it. Anchor means long term/ or as I  intuit- the nature of the commitment is sexual and has been so for a while-and it is bankable in its consistency— 

There is a reason I flashed on the heart card- because it seems to me that something is not quite right- I wanted to look at the nature of their relationship-

Coffin next to the heart is never good- a very static romance- almost doomed at the outset. I think the Garden explains it- because there is no actual commitment as either partner has not actually committed (an open relationship).  Crossroads imply double- so either one of them is seeing other people- this relationship is not mutually exclusive- with the garden+stork on the other side- it is possible our Querant is going to be meeting a lot of other potentials, she is not the settling type (Storks).

My Synopsis– The querant is likely not in a relationship persay- rather she is having an affair with this man- there is no commitment on either part- yes they are romantic and sexual but that does not a commitment make- Something is up with this guy– too..the relationship was doomed at the start why? Yes, I did do a follow up spread to confirm my hunch-:) I wont tell you now-

I’ll let you guys have a look through and give your comments before I feedback some important information the client gave me after I explained what the cards revealed..


Extra Info- Thank you for the encouragement, it was a tricky reading. Our sitter confirmed that the relationship is indeed an affair. The man she is seeing has a partner. She is very independent and has her own mind- also very attractive and exotic. The relationship started of as a very strong kismet like attraction (almost fated quality)  and they are bonding physically and mentally. Nevertheless- she is wanting to see other people as she feels this love affair has no potential of developing as depicted by the heart draw.

Case Study- No layout + Multi-level reading with Lenormand Oracle Cards

Posted in 10 Scythe, 13 Child, 15 Bear, 16 Star, 22 Crossroad, 24 Heart, 25 Ring, 28 Man, 29 Woman, 31 Sun, 32 Moon, 34 Fish, 35 Anchor, 8 Coffin, 9 Bouquet, Lenormand Cards, Lenormand Oracle cards Case Studies Materials, Multi level card analysis, No Layout Spread- Lenormand with tags , , , , , , on March 28, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist

Hmm, while investigating into the state of a relationship- I thought it would be a good opportunity to do the process step by step-

I refer also to the Aeclectic Tarot Forum study group lead By Sylvie Steinbach as she teaches the technique on how to approach complex questions-

My sitter (W) requested me to look into if the the man (M) she is thinking of will propose to her. Background- they met 6 months ago, are separated by Geography. W thinks the world of M and thinks M is the One!  

This is a good case and quite important- So I thought first thing is to look at what are his thoughts about her.

Q: What are M’s thoughts towards W? ( by this I mean how does he see her essentially). Keycards charged were 28 Man and 29 Woman


‘ 22 Crossroads + 16 Stars + 29 Woman + 25 Ring + 9 Bouquet’

So- this is looking at how a man views a woman. In order to do that- have to think like a man! 🙂

I kept this simple- central cards gives me an idea of what M thinks of W. He sees her as a dream come true (Star quality).Creative,imaginative and independent embody the Star. With the Ring on the right- suggest loyalty, long term commitment prospects.

to the Left – Crossroad+Stars- Here- thinking like a man now- M is not without choices when it comes to girlfriends or prospects- but out of them all he sees W as the one that stands out (Star). Crossroad+stars- Leader/commander– this is funny as I think this represents W as on top of the leader board as far women is concerned for M.

To the right- Ring+Bouquet- it is becoming obvious M is serious and thinking of comitting to W with a view of possible marriage, he wishes to make her his companion- with bouquet he sees her as an exotic looking woman with beautiful features (hair, face and teeth)-very attractive/a gift to him. I Think the Bouquet here serves as Yes card to confirm that this is indeed what he is thinking. Ring+Bouquet-pleasant transaction– yes- so there is possibly going to be a proposal which is going to be welcomed by W — 🙂

I wondered about timing– is he considering to propose in September (9 Bouquet)

Question 2: Is M going to propose to W and when is this likely to happen? For this- I charged keycards 28 Man, 29 Woman and 25 Ring.

This is supposed to be a multi-level spread-



The layout is supposed to be in levels- but the draw here, all the cards came in one sequence where the keycards are separated by 2/3 cards only 🙂 this was good as I flipped and looked at each card- a story was evolving..:)

‘8 Coffin+ 34 Fish + 28 Man + 31 Sun + 15 Bear + 29 Woman + 35 Anchor + 10 Scythe + 13 Child + 25 Ring + 24 Heart + 32 Moon’

I will break this down individually to see how this works out-

As all the cards came in a sequence- my Focus shifts to the Woman card-as it is she the central person the event is happening to–

In my My Mystical lenormand- the Significators are facing each other. In the modern day- this doesnt reflect much as designs of cards vary. What is important is to look at the cards between them.

In order for the proposal to take place ( or not)- certain events needs to happen- like in the real world. The cards in between tell us about this. So,

Man + Sun + Bear + Woman + Anchor + Scythe + Child

Now the focus is not only character but situational analysis.

Bear represents achievement-being top level management. So it indicates an expectation of being in a position of authority. Bear+Woman-powerful/caring. Anchor is sign of stability and longevity- it makes sense when you are settled in your work and established- you think of settling down/marriage- Woman+Anchor- stable/realiable.

This is interesting. In order for M to propose- he has to go through some changes (thinking/profession etc).

I think this is represented by the cards around him-

Coffin + Fish + Man + Sun + Bear

Fish- is independent lifestyle (personal and work). He obviously liked his  savvy independent lifestyle. Self made man (finds his own way in life-also a globe trotter)- probably works in Financial field. Sun is all about high achievement, ego-virility,protective. So we see M wanting to be a high achiever/succesful in what he does.

Coffin is difficult card- signifies endings/new beginnings/transformation- perhaps M has been through a difficult transition –thats caused his some pain. Since the coffin is before the Fish- I feel it is good- as he has improved for the better- losing something difficult to improve his prospects 🙂

In his future the Sun+bear-Financial success/venture capitalist -hmm– looks promising- it would appear he wishes to make himself a candidate worthy for W.

It is becoming obvious- aside from the fact he wants to become successful and be financially well off- he wishes to be a partner worthy of W’s status/ loyalty and commitment. As he doesnt see W as just any other woman (see question 1) he is making sure that all the practicalities are being addressed, I think . Hmm– ( all of this sounds like it is going to take ages) The male ego (Sun) is unique as he wishes to be seen as an equal to W [as well in order for the relationship to last and settle down (Anchor)]

I think I’ll study this relationship further- If I were to analyse the cards from W’s point of view- looking back in the direction to M- this where the past/presents comes into play- the cards in reverse- ‘Woman+bear +sun+Man’- she already sees him as being financially well off and successful –lol!!! This serves to prove how men and women think differently.

next step– I want to see how the commitment factor is looking like-

We have in a sequence continuos through the draw-

anchor+ scythe + child+ Ring + heart + moon

the ring is the keycard- what is the child doing there?

this is where I am going to do something bold- I am going to represent their relationship with the Child card- as it is a new relationship (note only 6 Months) it is plausible to represent it as something young/ fragile and growing-Because I asked will he propose and the ring is there- we are not losing the information and it is still in the future location.

So now read- Anchor+scythe + Child + ring + moon + heart

around The child- Scythe and ring-

Scythe represent decisions made without hesitation/cut and dry/irrevocable- Scythe+Child- mean miscarriage or abortion- what I feel  this is – decision made at a very critical stage! hmm- could it be critical event will take place and will make them see that whats matters is the fact they wish to be together? Child+ring-small contract 🙂 i suppose deciding to commit and getting engaged is a small contract 🙂

lets see as a whole- to the left of the child-

Anchor+scythe-sudden life changes-

scythe + child- critical event in their relationship- a make or break situation-

 To the right (future possiblity)

Child+ ring- small contract- ? is this the engagement-

Ring+heart-marriage/committed love/civil union

Heart +moon- happy romantic relationship with intimacy!!!!!!!!!

I was beginning to think M & W see each other as marraige potential for very practical reasons– but it appears all of this is going to change in the future when something threatens to destroy their relationship – it is then they see that love and passion is what is going to get them together– and yes of course– there is going to be a marriage made out of romance and passion– :)- I suspect this year- I shall watch this space too– I do hope I am at the wedding —


No layout spread- Person Description

Posted in 16 Star, 20 Garden, 28 Man, 29 Woman, 33 Key, 9 Bouquet, Client reading, No Layout Spread- Lenormand with tags , , on March 24, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist

I was requested by sitter to see who would come into her life as her next boyfriend/partner? I charged her card and the man card in my mind thinking how would she recognise him. I felt I  should proceed with the reading as it seems ironic that it should happen-


’28 Man + 29 Woman + 20 Garden + 16 Stars + 9 Bouquet + 33 Key’

Where do I begin? This happened before where there are no past cards to the man- if the woman card didnt appear immediately after the man card- I would have repeated the draw. I felt because it did– therefore this draw was more portent.

My instincts turned to the woman card- I felt that there is no need for a description as this man is already known to her as he is in her past ( recent past) since he appears immediately to her left. They are already in relationship of some sort- so I am a little perplexed. Why is she asking who is going to be her next partner if she is already seeing someone-

The answer was simple– She already has someone in her mind who she likes- she would like something more serious from this person, but the communication between them has slowed so she is wanting to know if there is someone else perhaps in the horizon for her— so the plot thickens– hence why no description–Good little Lenormand darlings!!

Now I understand what the cards were trying to say–

So Man+Woman- connection/meeting, but my creative mind exploited the possibility of a Man with a strong feminine side to him- ? Metrosexual– I like this- but nevertheless it could be he is known to her and he is a bit Metro–

Woman+garden- popular girl/socialite– My sitter is definitely that-

Garden+stars- workshops/group support–

Stars+bouquet-healthy ambitions/famous?

Bouquet+key-very attractive/succesful-

The above were the combinatory meanings in the book by Sylvie Steinbach- My question was specific- and therefore my answer was that it is very likely the Man is known to her- and it possible he is going to make a comeback into her life- probably rejoin her social network (Garden) and start a fresh again with her (Stars). The Key is the sign that makes the difference- As the bouquet can signify the return of someone from the past into her life- ergo this guy- who would also be emotionally available for her- I also kept thinking with the bouquet- the relationship blossoming into something more as well for sure-

What does the group think about the spread-
