Archive for timing with the Lenormand cards

Lenormand draws: ID this person and time his arrival

Posted in 1 Rider, 10 Scythe, 12 Birds, 13 Child, 14 Fox, 16 Star, 18 Dog, 19 Tower, 20 Garden, 23 Mice, 24 Heart, 25 Ring, 28 Man, 32 Moon, 4 House, 8 Coffin, 9 Bouquet, Lenormand Cards, Lenormand Oracle cards Case Studies Materials, No Layout Spread- Lenormand with tags , , , , , on June 17, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist

For all you Lenormand enthusiasts who have been reading the blogs, here is an interesting and curious draw of cards done to identify the physical attributes and characteristics of as yet an unknown person, or at least thats what the question states. As you all know- I am an avid Lenormand card reader and have enjoyed the pleasure of being a student of Sylvie Steinbach technique of the no layout. She defines well in her book how to ID a person of as yet unknown when you approach the question with a blank canvas. She also recommends double checking in the same verin of the line of questioning.

So here’s the question: How do I ID the man who I will settle down with? (basically this question asks for physical description, characteristics and useful info for you to spot him when he enters your life). Here is answer number 1: the 28 man charged for ID purpose and therefore a blank canvas- now we fill in the colours of his personality and draw him out.

’12 Birds + 10 Scythe + 19 Tower+ 28 Man + 8 Coffin + 18 Dog + 32 Moon’

This second draw- is to double check the first draw because I had my concerns naturally with the nature of the cards. So I reasked the cards with the same blank canvas, and the spread below is the second answer.

’14 Fox + 16 Stars + 4 House + 28 Man + 1 Rider + 9 Bouquet + 25 Ring’

What I would like for when you answer, in the above 2 drawsof which you are going to create the description of this man, tell me what makes this to draw related? or if you think the two draws are not related, tell me why also. Basically- are they decsriptions for the same person or are they talking about 2 different people?  I will post my interpretations of this draw after a few interpretations have been thrown in the mix as I do not wish to cloud your judgement. I have specific reasons why I felt the need to double check the draw.

Now, with regards of timing- I asked the Lenormand, when can I anticipate the arrival of the gentleman we have ID’ed as above. Note, here, a random 5 card draw is done with no key cards charged. Obviously there are clues in the draw to make it relevant to the reading for the purpose of timing. Here is her answer:

’23 Mouse + 20 Garden + 16 Stars + 24 Heart + 13 Child’

Within this draw, there is a proposed timing, I would like it if you could gestimate from the cards what is the most likely time frame within which the person you ID’ed will show up. In my mind, when th ecards were drawn, the time frame is within 1 year and no more. But this maybe more than an overshot as the draw suggests differently.

Happy posting of your analysis chaps, I look forward to all of your insights and intuition as it will be an interesting process to which your inner intution will lead you to the most logical answer.And I am hoping to learn more with this draw too.
