Archive for the 3 Ship Category

Daily Draw- 29 Woman + 13 Child + 3 Ship Extra 10 Scythe

Posted in 10 Scythe, 13 Child, 29 Woman, 3 Ship, 9 Bouquet, Daily Draw for Reflective Practise, Lenormand Cards on April 30, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist

Back to my daily draws with The Lenormand- I just asked for something good- anything good the cards wish for me to know 🙂


’29 Woman + 13 Child + 3 Ship Extra 10 Scythe , Clarifier 9 Bouquet’

I drew a 5th card to clarify further the Scythe card.

So-29 woman- represents a woman. 13 Child- a young person, a child or defining the young nature of someone. 3 Ship is about movement, progression and travel- overseas. 13 Scythe- decisions, clean break or cut– and the lovely 9 Bouquet- beautiful gift/ warm loving thoughts-

Lets see– woman+child- gives the impression of either a woman with child or a childish woman, small woman- nothing wrong with being a little immature- quite endearing sometimes.

child+ship- a small journey, trip, maybe a new beginning–

ship+scythe- tricky– a travel decision- or break away- or as i see it- a break from routine- so a sudden trip/interrupted??

scythe+bouquet- hair dressers, cosmetic surgery/ beautician- (something aesthetic really)

maybe in a moment of childishness, i take a short trip to the the hairdressers or the beautician- get a haircut or a cosmetics/facial done– ?? lol!! quite possible- cheer me right up it will–

Peak into Sylvie’s bible– woman+child-immature, capricious,petite woman–

                                        child+ship-small trip

                                         ship+scythe-yikes- interrupted vacation/accident

                                        scythe+bouquet-positive outcome/smart decision

hmm– this has got me concerned– due to leave for a short holiday next week– the vacation getting interrupted is not ideal– but somehow it is meant to be a good thing–

Ahh well– extra precautions then–





Multilevel reading- analysis of feelings and intent with the Lenormand

Posted in 1 Rider, 10 Scythe, 17 Stork, 18 Dog, 2 Clover, 20 Garden, 24 Heart, 26 Book, 27 Letters, 28 Man, 29 Woman, 3 Ship, 35 Anchor, 4 House, 6 Clouds, Lenormand Cards, Lenormand Oracle cards Case Studies Materials, Multi level card analysis with tags , , , , on April 22, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist

Following a telephone call, I was cajoled into looking into how someone feels about a certain friend. They have decided to see each other as friends only. She would like to know how does he really feel about her. So I decided to do a multi level reading with her keycard charged-29 woman and his keycard- 28 man. The draw is as follows:

‘ 3 Ship + 26 Book + 2 Clover + 28 Man + 27 Letter + 4 House + 17 Storks..

1Rider + 6 Clouds + 35 Anchor + 29 Woman + 24 Heart + 20 Garden + 10 Scythe..’

I wanted to see what is going on around him and what are his thoughts about her.

So in the first layer- the man card surrounded by clover and letter. This describes him as a lucky, optimistic and perhaps an opportunist. With the letters, describes someone communicative and published individual- an individual whose qualifications are well publicised.  To the left (past ), he has ship- giving an exotic, well travelled feel to him, and also someone well educated (book). Ship+book- travels related to his area of interest, book+clover imply a lucky find/ suprising discovery. To the right (future possibilities) he has the house indicating domestic enviromment, with the storks suggests change/movement. So, letter+ house- some real estate or property contract, with the house+storks-indicating change of residence or house expansion. Hmm, whenever the storks come up- i always think baby possibility as well.

Nevertheless- so this guy- is quite wordly, is attractive in an exotic, educated and talented way- also has some domestic things going on- in the future.

Coming to how he feels about her- anchor+woman +  heart- so he sees her a reliable, stable, loyal person- commitment material with the heart suggest he sees her as his lover/ romantic partner. Looking to the left- Rider indicates he sees her as a youthful, physically fit and sexy individual, but next to the clouds highlights some confusion/ambivalence. Frustration involved by how he feels/ sees her. Rider+clouds- confusing news/mixed messages, clouds+anchor-imply settling down/clarity. I feel this points to their recent decision at an attempt to see each other just as friends (the clarity amidst the ambiguity of their relationship). He is however, not so sure about it himself.

to the right (future possibility), the garden implies open meetings in public places , the scythe after is the decision making card- perhaps suggesting that when they next meet in apublic place- a sort of decision will be made. Heart+garden imply outgoing relationship and garden+scythe- imply a joint decision.

Fascinating- on the one hand- there is something poetic about this realtionship- they both seem to want to be with each other, but some how it appears that they cannot for the moment. They are attempting to have an out in the open relationship/ friendship- but it may be that it might not work as implied by the scythe. It appears to be that in order for the relationship to work- something needs to be cut off.

I think at this point i should add that- after the scythe- the dog card came up – we all know how comlicated that dog can be- since we are looking at how he feels about her- the dog showing up indicates to me- this man has someone who he is alreday in a relationship with (dog). With the Scythe next to the dog- it doesnt bode well for this person. I feel sad that he truly wants to be with my friend as it appears- but this cannot be for as long he is with the other person-this man needs to make a decision.

Hmm, I wonder if I have missed anything.. as it is a multilevel- it takes the complication of the readings to dizzying heights- so any additions of information that I may have missed- do add..:)


Daily Draw- 29 Woman + 3 Ship + 18 Dog Extra 36 Cross

Posted in 18 Dog, 29 Woman, 3 Ship, 36 Cross, Daily Draw for Reflective Practise with tags , , , on April 15, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist

Well, the plan was to do a no layout with the 29 Woman charged as the keycard. As it appears, the Lenormand cards has  motives of its own today. It has become a regular draw as I drew the woman card first.


’29 Woman + 3 Ship + 18 Dog extra card 36 Cross’

I did have a question in mind which kind of popped while I was shuffling- I wanted to know what my dreams are trying to tell me lately. They are becoming vivid and sometimes I do wake up thinking it was real with the emotions carried into the waking world.

I am not sure how the layout answered the question.

With the woman card charged with my energy- I seem to appear as the headlining topic of discussion so to speak- in a funny way- I have drawn the focus of what my little Lenormands have been gossipping about.

3 Ship- is about voyages, movement and brings an international flavour to any reading- So- in tandem with woman card- woman+ship- a woman traveller or a woman on a trip.

18 Dog- nice but difficult card- obviously someone I know and trust- also can sometimes represent a person who has a past connection- ie a long lost friend perhaps- Ship+Dog- a travel/ journey with a companion.

36 Cross- has some very negative meanings to it- distress, despair, depression – or religious associations- Dog+Cross= spiritual support or the true confidant-

peeking into the book- Woman+ship= woman born or educated abroad (latter for me), Ship+dog= international friends / travel companion, dog+cross= support group or confidant.

OK- at this point, I should say- I have a mini holiday booked in early May for R&R abroad with my best mate who is my confidant 🙂

However- the spread interpretation this way has not answered my question- why am I dreaming the way I dream right now- what does it mean- ?

So I am going to try a new approach to the Lenormand like it were the Tarot- the Archetype / Symbology extrapolation.

The woman card in essence is female, lunar influence- neutral by default. It is there to make the reading relevant. The ship- symbolise passage- the number 3 (triangulation)- movement/departure- journey over long distances/ transitions. The dog- is in essence an animal, loyal to man, faithfulness, soulmate link or soul connection, the number 9 (1+8=9). And the Cross- doesn’t get anymore fated than that- spiritual test, introspective testing of ones convictions- 36 ( essence of 9, also 3 & 6 ,) a lot of 3’s in this reading.

Here’s the kick- an excess of 3’s essence and exaggerated with the 9’s-

3 Positive Traits: Self-expressive in many ways, verbalization, inspiration and keen imagination, artistic gifts, accurate impressions and insights, never-ending optimism, happy and fun-loving, enjoys life fully.
3 Negative Traits: Scattered energies, exaggeration, unfinished projects, lack of direction, moodiness, self-centeredness.
9 Positive Traits: Heartily friendly and congenial, a hail-fellow, humanitarian instincts, a giving nature, selflessness, obligations, creative expression, readily influenced to do good works, artistic and writing talents.
9 Negative Traits: Self-adulation, scattered interests, possessiveness, moodiness, careless with finances, wanting peer attention.
2 Positive Traits: Cooperation, adaptability, considerate of others, sensitive to the needs of others, partnering, an arbiter or mediator, modest, sincere, spiritually influenced, a diplomat.
2 Negative Traits: Shyness, timidity, fear, self-consciousness, drown in detail, depression.
And finally-

The reduction of 11 from (2+9). 11 essentially is a more spiritually expressive side of 2.

This  draw in essence has answered by indicationg the imbalances in the 3 areas of life ( mind, body and spirit) , the imbalance of actions ,inactions and non action actions. Perhaps the pursuit of the studies (both scientific and esoteric) is taking more out of me than I realise. The scholar attitude I have is not self serving but rather soul destroying. In my waking hours- I am alright and ignorant of the imbalance, when I sleep- the subconscious has to illuminate the imbalance by showing images of unrest, pain and sorrow-

Basically  the cards have answered me in numbers-energy frittering in all the wrong directions, not enough recognition towards the need from rest. It is advising focus on the number 1 and redirect that way  to gain the essence of (1’s, 2’s, 4’s ,5’s, 7’s and 8’s). in numerology- better to look at numbers that are not there than what is there. same with the tarot- the cards that don’t show up say a lot more than the cards that do.

In Lenormand- same principle- it is just as complicated and rich as the tarot zipped into 36 cards- look at the question and then check for the answer- its always there-




Daily Draw- 3 Ship + 13 Child + 1 Rider Extra 22 Crossroad

Posted in 1 Rider, 13 Child, 22 Crossroad, 3 Ship, Daily Draw for Reflective Practise on March 15, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist

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‘ 3 Ship + 13 Child + 1 Ship extra card 22 Crossroads’

Hmm, I have to say I am at a loss here. Let me see if I broke it down it would make some sense. 

The ship represents travel abroad/ overseas. The child can mean an actual child/ someone really young or immature or something in early stages of development. The Rider ( hello old friend! ) is here again- could be denoting news coming towards either this young person or news about movement- moving things on from infancy.

The crossroad denotes choices or which direction to proceed in. I am still wondering what this is about. The choices or options will appear in a fast timescale.

 I can’t help but notice a story here. Travel plans(ship) still in its infancy/ not quite firm or concrete yet (child). News arriving shortly (rider), spurring things on  and will have to decide from the options that are presented by this news (crossroads) on which way to proceed..

Looking in to the book: Ship + child- conception during a trip/ vacation- Arghh!! scared now.. Child+Rider- Birth announcement/ pregnancy confirmation.. Rider+ Crossroads-new possibilities or multiples!!

Okay– hmm… as it is my daily guidance draw-

1. I will be happy if this is about travel plans and options.

2. If this about one of my friends giving me news about being pregnant and having possible twins/likely boys (as denoted by rider) — even better!!  

Over to you chaps, if you can add any insight to this draw- you are most welcome–


Daily Draw- 18 Dog + 3 Ship + 32 Moon Extra 21 Mountain

Posted in 18 Dog, 21 Mountain, 3 Ship, 32 Moon, Daily Draw for Reflective Practise, Lenormand Cards on March 13, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist

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‘ 18 Dog + 3 Ship + 32 Moon  extra card 21 Mountain’

I made a conscious effort to allow the cards to give what it felt I should know about.  The dog appears here perhaps representing  someone I know  who is either overseas or in the process of travelling (ship). I always take the ship to represent big journeys, crossing  continents . The moon relates to emotions and feelings, could also represent acknowledgement of mutual affection. The mountain appearing as an extra could mean long delays or represent characteristics of the person or a place.

I wonder if there is an element of timing in this spread- with the Moon card- lunar cycle- 4 weeks perhaps.

Dog card can also mean a soulmate. Sweet card indeed as it speaks of reliability, trustworthiness and honesty. It is nice and reassuring to know that this person who is making this journey is just that, the ideal companion. Dog +ship- represent foreign friendships in combination.

The Ship speaks of international travel and makes the dog card Masculine. Also has an added function of timing representing the month March or 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 months. Ship + Moon combined mean romantic getaway/ honeymoon.

The Moon is all things emotion, romance and affection. When speaking of a person- describes feminine traits- charm, seductive and alluring. In timing- it is fast- piscean, or cancerian timing ( June 21st – July 21st). In my previous draws- the timing I predicted was communication to be had about travel on or before the 21st of March. This layout is obviously about the meeting/holiday itself which I intuited to be in Summer which is still a long way away.  Moon+Mountain speaks of longing or feeling isolated.

I do feel the mountain will add  delay (3 weeks- 2/3 months) to all this taking place, I suspect. It just makes me think patience and do not rush. I have a postive feeling that the wait is worth it.

Any other insight is welcome-


Daily 3 Card Draws-Lenormand

Posted in 10 Scythe, 26 Book, 3 Ship, 31 Sun, Daily Draw for Reflective Practise with tags , , , , , , , on March 11, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist

I will also present a log of daily draws ( I will try and keep this as regular as possible) to further enhance my logical intuition analytical skills. Today, I have drawn 3 cards + 1 card (as just in case).

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‘ 10 Scythe + 26 Book + 3 Ship           Extra 31 Sun’

Hmm, I wonder what to make of this. First impressions- pending decisions about travel due to unknown factors. This is a rather simplistic summary of the first 3 cards.

I was recently thinking about going on a holiday, desperately in need of a break from work, studies and possibly going out of the country as well. It has been difficult to make concrete plans as so many things get in the way especially work commitments which are difficult to shift. Also, I am perhaps relying as well on people to let me know when I should be planning a getaway. This could be the information I am waiting upon that is yet to be revealed (26 Book).  The Ship indicates overseas travel, symbolising that I am indeed thinking of foreign travel or a change in scenery. Ship can also represent vehicle travel- like cars, since the Crossroad is not here- I will not use that possibility.

I am glad I drew an extra card which is quite nice- 31 Sun. Maybe, I will have to be patient as the opportune time will arrive at some point in Summer. This is likely as it would be when I would consider taking a longer break ie 2 weeks at some point in June.

I looked into Sylvie’s book for quick reference- Scythe + Book mean researcher/ analysis. 🙂 , Book+Ship mean study abroad or cultural trip- hmm– prefer the latter as it sounds more relaxing.. my piece de’ resistance Ship + Sun-tropical destination/ summer vacation- Bingo!!! Excellent-

ps: I recall my conversation yesterday to a couple of friends on how exhausted I was and much in need of a break. The timing was never right– I will have to be patient so I can plan the perfect holiday for me– hmm,..
