Archive for the Daily Draw for Reflective Practise Category

Tarot- The days of the week ahead draw..16/6-22/6/2008

Posted in Daily Draw for Reflective Practise, Tarot Decks with tags , on June 15, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist

I have been spending some time with the decks lately. Since I do keep a tarot journal, I do go back to re read previous draws and reflect on the circumstantiality and the synchronicity of the draws.

As many of you who read the posts know- many bloggers have the good habit of reflecting on the card draws in order to gain valuable insight and thus also improving their relationship and intimacy with their decks. Time spent here is well worth its reward, you develop a trusting friendship with your deck. Thats kitsch!!

Here’s my days of the week ahead draw- Monday and Tuesday

2 of Swords for Monday- Intelectual debates with a no win situation- so, I’ll be expecting plenty of talks going round and round- but no conclusion- Stalemate. Lol!!! – I am going to need to draw in lateral thinking horns!

21 Universe- A major Arcana so early on in the week- All is right with the world again- as it should be. Maybe a little recognition for some hard word done perhaps?

Wednesday and Thursday-

Wednesday- Queen of Cups- hmm- I’ll read this as a lady- or a friend going to feature on wednesday

Thursday- The Star– yum–this is exciting- something to look forward to- a new lease of some kind- something dead rekindled – or an event or news will bring some optimism–

Friday and Saturday

Friday- Knight of Wands- another court card- a person- fire sign or fiery temperament- Male- so- we’ll see who this is as he seems to the forecast for Friday’s focus.

Saturday- 5 Hierophant- another Major Arcanum- On a saturday!! see– I read the hierophant as rituals, institutional routine. Also sometimes- hardcore revision 🙂 yep- thats a good projection of what I’ll be doing this coming Saturday


Sunday- the irony– Sunday will be judgement day as I’ll be reviewing the events of the week and comparing with the cards to see if they hit the mark or not!! I will be quite looking forward to doing the comparisons 🙂


Daily draw 15/5/08

Posted in 22 Crossroad, 4 House, 5 Tree, 7 Serpent, 8 Coffin, Daily Draw for Reflective Practise, Lenormand Cards with tags , on May 15, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist


It is good to start posting daily reflective readings again. I drew the cards today with no specifics in mind. I charged the woman card for myself in case it turned up in this reading. The draw today is interestin.

‘4 House + 5 Tree + 8 Coffin,, Extra 7 Snake, Clarifier 22 Crossroad’

 House- personal home, private space. Also encompasses the ideal home or the my childhood home.

Tree- the spiritual and health card. Whenever the tree shows up- I always think about the idea of bein grounded or rooting down. It represents to me the idea of keeping feet firmly on the ground while one continues to grow.

Coffin- in this context, i look upon the idea of transformation. In fact it could mean the state of feeling 6 feet under, buried and the need to resurface and feel light. state of depression perhaps.. is this for me- although i do not feel depressed per se, but the ambivalent feeling of there must be someting more or non movement/ stagnation can transalate to a state of dissatisfaction which can in turn cause mild depression.

snake- tricky- difficulties or complications. In a way- i look at the snake as advice- it acknowldeges the present state of tricky stagnation, which is not easy to move out of. But the snake is a creature of resource, it tries to wind up  or down or around to get over barriers. Also- it is a creature of patience, biding its time until the irght opportunity turns up and then pounce!! 🙂 so- a creature of wisdom that knows patience and despite the bad press- can also symbolise the need of striking the opportunity presents itself.

crossroad- this where the opportunity lies, a presentation of choice, which occurs when the tie is right- the get out clause or multiple opportunities. the choice itself maybe a difficult one to make- it is not without its sacrifices, but in order to gain- perhaps a loss is necessary. I suspect this is about making a choice and decidin what is improtant and what isnt. but the choice is mine-

Looking in to Sylvie’s book for combinations:

House + Tree: family or house expansion, spiritual home, tree + coffin: clinical depression,weak life force, coffin + snake: major hardships, snake + crossroads: escape, avoidance

I learnt a new trick to doing a reading- it is called completing the circle- can be done with any linear draws with any number of the cards.  it is easy- it is just about combining the last card with the first card- to complete the circle. it gives an idea of how the begining connects with the end and end connects with the beginning.

the final combination is crossroad+house- multiple residences. ( i had to laugh at this)

the reading is a health warning. It is true, i am currently living at 2 residences, my work city and my home city. I drive back every weekend and the come back to work. it is taking its toll on my health, as i feel unsettled and a drain on finances as well. I consider my personal home my spiritual place. my work city, i am finding it difficult to settle in. I need to make a decision soon about permanetly moving in order to improve my health, mental energy and in fact have a healthier bank balance. i think of my personal home as a getaway to get out of work mode. it is i realise a short term fix. I have been doing this for 8 months close and it is getting weary.

I hope this reading has shown a new way of connecting  cause and effect in a reading.. It is fascinating to see how the cards give an accurate description of events and cause and highlighting what is important at this point in time. Try this out and see how you connect the dots..




Daily Draw- 29 Woman + 13 Child + 3 Ship Extra 10 Scythe

Posted in 10 Scythe, 13 Child, 29 Woman, 3 Ship, 9 Bouquet, Daily Draw for Reflective Practise, Lenormand Cards on April 30, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist

Back to my daily draws with The Lenormand- I just asked for something good- anything good the cards wish for me to know 🙂


’29 Woman + 13 Child + 3 Ship Extra 10 Scythe , Clarifier 9 Bouquet’

I drew a 5th card to clarify further the Scythe card.

So-29 woman- represents a woman. 13 Child- a young person, a child or defining the young nature of someone. 3 Ship is about movement, progression and travel- overseas. 13 Scythe- decisions, clean break or cut– and the lovely 9 Bouquet- beautiful gift/ warm loving thoughts-

Lets see– woman+child- gives the impression of either a woman with child or a childish woman, small woman- nothing wrong with being a little immature- quite endearing sometimes.

child+ship- a small journey, trip, maybe a new beginning–

ship+scythe- tricky– a travel decision- or break away- or as i see it- a break from routine- so a sudden trip/interrupted??

scythe+bouquet- hair dressers, cosmetic surgery/ beautician- (something aesthetic really)

maybe in a moment of childishness, i take a short trip to the the hairdressers or the beautician- get a haircut or a cosmetics/facial done– ?? lol!! quite possible- cheer me right up it will–

Peak into Sylvie’s bible– woman+child-immature, capricious,petite woman–

                                        child+ship-small trip

                                         ship+scythe-yikes- interrupted vacation/accident

                                        scythe+bouquet-positive outcome/smart decision

hmm– this has got me concerned– due to leave for a short holiday next week– the vacation getting interrupted is not ideal– but somehow it is meant to be a good thing–

Ahh well– extra precautions then–





Dual Deck Reading- Cartouche Cards and The Lenormand

Posted in 14 Fox, 2 Clover, 23 Mice, 27 Letters, Cartouche Cards, Daily Draw for Reflective Practise, Lenormand Cards, Lenormand Oracle dual deck reading with tags , , , on April 29, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist

Lately I have been spending some introspective time with some of the decks I have worked with. I am seeing how they interact and confound each other in my various readings and practice readings. Today- I felt like posting for The Lenormand and the Cartouche Cards.

Part of the routine daily draw – insight and advice- the cards get to say what they want to say 🙂

Cartouche Cards designed by Ostaris publication- images for appreciation only’

‘ 23 Mice + 27 Letters + 2 Clover ..extra 14 Fox’– The Lenormand

’22 Scarab + 2 Isis + 10 Set.. extra 3 Horus’– The Cartouche cards

1.Mice +scarab = unnecessary nervous tension, wittering of energy  and stuck in a rut feeling- the scarab describes a period of renewal after acceptance of a situation. Therefore, the advice is recognise the problem and change your approach in order for transformation to take place and to relieve the stagnation. How true!!

2. Letter + Isis- communication in the written form, news winging its way via post/internet/etc- with the Isis- a selfless woman, maternal, mother figure–hmm– I wonder if  this news is from my mother- she is very Isian — mothers are magickal beings 🙂

3. Clover + Set= an opportunity, twist of fate moment-. With The Set– indicates  setbacks or delays that comes from everyday life- has to come to pass– could be annoying things like bills or a broken heel-:) Nothing insurmountable- a little bit of clover optimism might create an opportunity in the face of adversity

4. Fox+ Horus- work situation or someone deceptively clever/cunning- with the Horus-a man gifted with personality,beauty and music- associated with the Fox- need to watch out for this guy– the sweetness and light is deceptive but he is gifted–I wonder if I  know this person as well– lol!!!

I can’t resist to do this–  reading across the Lenormand:

Mice + letters- nervouse energy and tension with barrages of emails/ written communications in between-

Letters+ clover- a message that is a twist of fate- a chance winning perhaps-

Clover + Fox- career progression/promo-or a foxy opportunity- need to watch for snags

hmm– not to bad from this angle-

Across the Cartouche-

Scarab + Isis- take the time to introspect where the energies are being wasted- stop, reassess, change the approach and transform- If done accordingly- the transformtion ensures the fruits of developing the Isian quality- the magickal nature of giving although selflessly but nevertheless appropriately–only those deservant get the Isian touch

Isis + Set- this spells a warning, a possible misevent or mishap- despite good naturedness, an unavoidable setback occurs but this is circumstantial — nobody is perfect and avoids the mundanities of delays, not even Isis- with perseverance– it is surmountable–

Set + Horus- Another word of warning- Although Hotrus defeated Set, it did take some time to happen- since Set is before Horus- so some problems before a charming man comes to the rescue and saves the day. Lol!! the clover optimism is infectious!!! Still need to exercise caution- not all charmers come with pure intentions..need to watch for the fox snag..

Any thoughts from you guys — welcome to add– the Cartouche is amazing oracle deck- had mine for a few years now— never fails– works a treat with the Lenormand as well–



Daily Draw- 22 Crossroads + 27 Letter+ 8 Coffin Extra 29 Woman

Posted in 22 Crossroad, 27 Letters, 29 Woman, 8 Coffin, Daily Draw for Reflective Practise, Lenormand Cards on April 23, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist

This is a return to the daily 4 card draw- no questions or cards charged.


’22 Crossroad + 27 Letter + 8 Coffin Extra card 29 Woman’

The crossroads is a strange card- on its own it speaks of choices or options, the changes in a travelled path – free to go anywhere and the choice is yours. The letter is about written communication or paperwork- emails, letters, official documentation. The coffin- ending, death of a situation, transformation, also can be grieving/ sadness. the woman card indicates a female player and the layout is for this female-

looking at the combination meanings- crossroads + letters- multiple mailings or emails, letter + coffin- condolences, coffin + woman- mentally down female/ negative thinking phase.

I welcome layouts like this- only through an ending a new situation can begin. So, from this- the get out clause will present itself through written messages. This brings about the ending of a situation- will cause some sadness but nevertheless, every ending means a new beginning. Timing wise- appears not long of a wait- I would say- 2 or 3 days max 7 days.. in my experience..


Daily Draw- 29 Woman + 3 Ship + 18 Dog Extra 36 Cross

Posted in 18 Dog, 29 Woman, 3 Ship, 36 Cross, Daily Draw for Reflective Practise with tags , , , on April 15, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist

Well, the plan was to do a no layout with the 29 Woman charged as the keycard. As it appears, the Lenormand cards has  motives of its own today. It has become a regular draw as I drew the woman card first.


’29 Woman + 3 Ship + 18 Dog extra card 36 Cross’

I did have a question in mind which kind of popped while I was shuffling- I wanted to know what my dreams are trying to tell me lately. They are becoming vivid and sometimes I do wake up thinking it was real with the emotions carried into the waking world.

I am not sure how the layout answered the question.

With the woman card charged with my energy- I seem to appear as the headlining topic of discussion so to speak- in a funny way- I have drawn the focus of what my little Lenormands have been gossipping about.

3 Ship- is about voyages, movement and brings an international flavour to any reading- So- in tandem with woman card- woman+ship- a woman traveller or a woman on a trip.

18 Dog- nice but difficult card- obviously someone I know and trust- also can sometimes represent a person who has a past connection- ie a long lost friend perhaps- Ship+Dog- a travel/ journey with a companion.

36 Cross- has some very negative meanings to it- distress, despair, depression – or religious associations- Dog+Cross= spiritual support or the true confidant-

peeking into the book- Woman+ship= woman born or educated abroad (latter for me), Ship+dog= international friends / travel companion, dog+cross= support group or confidant.

OK- at this point, I should say- I have a mini holiday booked in early May for R&R abroad with my best mate who is my confidant 🙂

However- the spread interpretation this way has not answered my question- why am I dreaming the way I dream right now- what does it mean- ?

So I am going to try a new approach to the Lenormand like it were the Tarot- the Archetype / Symbology extrapolation.

The woman card in essence is female, lunar influence- neutral by default. It is there to make the reading relevant. The ship- symbolise passage- the number 3 (triangulation)- movement/departure- journey over long distances/ transitions. The dog- is in essence an animal, loyal to man, faithfulness, soulmate link or soul connection, the number 9 (1+8=9). And the Cross- doesn’t get anymore fated than that- spiritual test, introspective testing of ones convictions- 36 ( essence of 9, also 3 & 6 ,) a lot of 3’s in this reading.

Here’s the kick- an excess of 3’s essence and exaggerated with the 9’s-

3 Positive Traits: Self-expressive in many ways, verbalization, inspiration and keen imagination, artistic gifts, accurate impressions and insights, never-ending optimism, happy and fun-loving, enjoys life fully.
3 Negative Traits: Scattered energies, exaggeration, unfinished projects, lack of direction, moodiness, self-centeredness.
9 Positive Traits: Heartily friendly and congenial, a hail-fellow, humanitarian instincts, a giving nature, selflessness, obligations, creative expression, readily influenced to do good works, artistic and writing talents.
9 Negative Traits: Self-adulation, scattered interests, possessiveness, moodiness, careless with finances, wanting peer attention.
2 Positive Traits: Cooperation, adaptability, considerate of others, sensitive to the needs of others, partnering, an arbiter or mediator, modest, sincere, spiritually influenced, a diplomat.
2 Negative Traits: Shyness, timidity, fear, self-consciousness, drown in detail, depression.
And finally-

The reduction of 11 from (2+9). 11 essentially is a more spiritually expressive side of 2.

This  draw in essence has answered by indicationg the imbalances in the 3 areas of life ( mind, body and spirit) , the imbalance of actions ,inactions and non action actions. Perhaps the pursuit of the studies (both scientific and esoteric) is taking more out of me than I realise. The scholar attitude I have is not self serving but rather soul destroying. In my waking hours- I am alright and ignorant of the imbalance, when I sleep- the subconscious has to illuminate the imbalance by showing images of unrest, pain and sorrow-

Basically  the cards have answered me in numbers-energy frittering in all the wrong directions, not enough recognition towards the need from rest. It is advising focus on the number 1 and redirect that way  to gain the essence of (1’s, 2’s, 4’s ,5’s, 7’s and 8’s). in numerology- better to look at numbers that are not there than what is there. same with the tarot- the cards that don’t show up say a lot more than the cards that do.

In Lenormand- same principle- it is just as complicated and rich as the tarot zipped into 36 cards- look at the question and then check for the answer- its always there-




Daily Draw-08/04/2008

Posted in 10 Scythe, 17 Stork, 22 Crossroad, 23 Mice, 25 Ring, Daily Draw for Reflective Practise on April 8, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist

I was not thinking of anything particular. I asked for my attention to be drawn to anything I should be aware of atthe moment which would require prompt action on my part. The cards were shuffled and drawn at random. This is what I drew:


‘these images are from the ASS Lenormand available on the ‘public domain. These are here for appreciation only’

I drew the usual 3 cards and the 4th card to clarify the progression, and then I drew the 5th card as I noticed a story evolving-

’23 mice + 10 Scythe + 25 Ring + 22 Crossroad + 17 Storks’

I hesitated posting this reading as it is quite personal and revealing. However, in order to serve as a mental reminder as I requested advise which would require prompt action on my part to ensure the best possible outcome. Also to show how  the cards responded promptly.

As it turns out- this became a no layout draw with the keycard 25 Rings coming into focus-

The central cards- describe a sudden break/ cut off within an established relationship (scythe+ring) the perverbial divorce. Thus leading to a parting of ways- the get out card (ring-Crossroads).

The mice denotes the nature of the situation- difficult and being ill at ease which is causing slow drain of the spirit. The Scythe is about making a clear cut decision once and for all- no two ways about it. Together- the cards are describing a situation which is causing mental anguish/ a dis-ease which need prompt actions- ie to breakaway.

The crossroads informs of the new freedom when this is done- the opening of options, I am free to go where I choose upon making that clear break. The storks is about positive movement and expansion- the freedom to move and not be tied down.. So- the advise is recognising that a situation is causing more harm than good, not to leave it any longer than necessary- the sooner I breakaway the better as it will leave me with an open road and move in a more positive direction devoid of grief and anxiety..

Looking into the book to double check my interpretation:

mice+scythe = stressful decision

scythe+ring = separation/ breaking a commitment

ring+ crossroad = breaking up / separation

crossroad+storks = improvements/ progress

I am noticing more than ever that my relationship with the cards is getting closer and closer day by day. As I am becoming more focused in my thoughts, the cards are speaking with clarity-

Let me know what you make of it..


Daily Draw- 7 Snake + 23 Mice + 35 Anchor Extra 31 Sun

Posted in 23 Mice, 31 Sun, 35 Anchor, 7 Serpent, Daily Draw for Reflective Practise on April 6, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist


‘7 Snake + 23 Mice + 35 Anchor Extra Card 31 Sun’

This is an unusual draw for me-

Snake- Tricky situation, need to be wary of individuals particularly those who appear to be ‘friends’, rivalry

Mice- Anxiety and unwanted tension eating away, slow grind

Anchor- Long term prospects,perseverance

Sun- stand my ground,  success and victory

Looking at combinations- snake+mice= major incident/ demise, Mice+anchor= challenging situation, Anchor+sun= fun lifestyle / ocean resort.

Yet again- I have been warned- thrice- not sure if I am missing something important. Someone dodgy is amidst- need to be careful and play safe. Or a challeging situation is threatening my stability therefore the need to exercise caution, persevere in order to come out on the other side victorious. Obviously not a period for me to be complacent.


Daily Draw- 34 Fish + 21 Mountain + 19 Tower Extra 12 Birds

Posted in 12 Birds, 19 Tower, 21 Mountain, 34 Fish, Daily Draw for Reflective Practise, Lenormand Cards on April 5, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist


’34 Fish + 21 Mountain + 19 Tower Extra Card 12 Birds’

A rather sombre dare I say dull daily draw- it is obvious that there is not much excitement to be had- perhaps this is a good thing.

34 Fish- money matters or entrepreneur

21 Mountain- delays/ obstacles- state of denial

19 Tower- official matters,

12 Birds- verbal communication, stress/ anxiety

So- Expect some delay in money matters, probably some official dealings/talks is to be had over the telephone- Looking at the combinations- Fish+Mountain=stagnant activities, Mountain+Tower= locked/ legal restrictions, Tower + Birds=senate/assembly.

Not sure how to transpose the last combination but perhaps this financial issue may not be in my control but perhaps something to do with the new govermental legislation. Will need to see how this pans out as this draw is not resonating with me today, but it might during the week..


Update 9/4/2008!!!!! : this is has definitely come as a pre warning to a financial setback- stung by a council tax bill ££££ — costing thousands– D*** – Fidddlesticks!!!!!!! have to pay regardless.. so there we go- the cards again have warned me and it is here in record!

Daily Draw- 26 Book + 15 Bear + 8 Coffin Extra 35 Anchor

Posted in 15 Bear, 26 Book, 35 Anchor, 8 Coffin, Daily Draw for Reflective Practise with tags , on March 27, 2008 by the travelling psychiatrist

I drew the cards midnight last night and left them face down until now- 1630pm London time.

    8262.jpg    8152.jpg    808.jpg            8353.jpg

’26 Book + 15 Bear + 8 Coffin Extra card 35 Anchor’

Looking at this spread- 1 person card- 15 Bear is present. It is the first time I’ve drawn the must pay particular attention.

Book- refers to studying process, meticulousness/analytical thinking and also secrets-

Bear- aside from being grizzly- as person- someone important in life (business partner maybe) or financial consultant- execs etc. Being next to coffin- I’d look at characteristics- over powering, jealous etc and also a health warning- diet/ nutrition etc

Coffin- ending leading to transformation, good or bad-

Anchor- I always think work here- but also matters of longevity- permanence- in areas of life that matters that are deemed important for stability-

Looking at them individually- in a story- A process involving deep thinking probably with information that is yet to come to light (book) perhaps linked with health/ finances (bear). This causes depression/ stagnation (coffin)  which has a potential of being prolonged (Anchor)

Looking into the book-

Book+Bear-Investment expert/accounting studies

Bear+Coffin-bankruptcy/ investment loss/ starvation

Coffin+Anchor- agony/ extended life/ longing

I analyse the card in linear fashion- I don’t cross read them- As it stands- this reading has nothing to do with me- But someone else– and it doesnt look good for them does it-
